29 Jan 2012

Tutorial " Heart template with back seam"

I Have made some lovely hearts in the last few weeks and I have have received emails to find out how to cut the template with a seam at the back instead of the side.  Lots of you know how to cut them as I do, but I wanted to share with thoes that don't know.  I hope you find this helpful, and can follow the instruction i have given , and if you have any tips you can add to this please get in touch.  You can find my email address on the contact page.

  1. 1.Get your equipment ready, you will need Paper to the size of the heart you want to make, paper scissors, omnigrid or ruler, rubber and pencil.

2. Fold your paper in half and draw the heart size required, Do not cut out at this stage. Open your paper out and draw a line down the crease so you have half of a heart. Now take your ruler and draw another line half inch from the first line. Now using  your omnigrid which is better at this stage, put it at the point of the heart curve at the top and draw a line to the second line upwards  Do the same at the bottom downwards.  You are now ready to cut this out.

3.Fold over the crease away from you to the other side of the heart. You should now have two tails, trim these to the shape of the heart.  Now use this shape while folded over to cut out the other shape. With your paper still folded place it on the paper and draw around and cut out. You now have  one side with a seam and the other should be a whole heart shape.

4.Now we can cut it from the fabric. Fold your fabric over to the size of the heart template with the seam edge on it. Open out the seam on the paper template and lay this on your fabric fold. If using a fabric with a pattern one side make sure the fabric is folded right sides together. Also Make sure its the right way up for both of your cuts. (Back and Front)
Pin and mark with a pencil, lay the other heart shape folded in half as well along the fold of the fabric, mark, and cut out both.  The template with the seem on now needs to be cut in half along the seam as you have cut it on the fold.. When you have done so leave it with the wrong sides together for sewing. Tack both of your fabric pieces with the seam together remembering to leave a gap when sewing for stuffing. 

At this stage you may want to decorate your heart.

5. Before you sew your front to back you need to put your ribbon onto the full side of the  heart shape, if you are sewing your ribbon in with the seam.  You can always put your ribbon on after with buttons or some other way if you don't want to add it at this stage.
If you want to add it now,  place you heart shape with it's decoration facing up on the table and place your chosen ribbon onto the top of each curve and pin, remember to make sure if its a long bit to pin the bottom away from the seam at the point of the heart.
6. Press the seam of your other half of  heart open at the back, then lay on top of the front  half with right sides facing together , sew all the way around .When finished  at the curved edges snip around so when you turn you work the right side out this will ease the shape . You can now also trim the seam a little closer to the sewing taking care of course not to go to close.

Turn your work inside the right way and press, you can now stuff your heart firmly and close with a ladder stitch for a neat finish see picture below. I have added some picture of finished heart as well.

                                                                                               Mell's ♥


♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Hello Melanie...I have found your lovely blog and am now a new follower!....Such a wonderful tutorial...I do love those hearts!
I am going to link up with you as our 'Blog of the Week'...
Hope you have a lovely weekend!
Susan x

Amy said...

Hi Mel,

Thanks for submitting this tutorial over at And Sew We Craft.

We will be featuring it early next week.

Amy x

The Handcrafted Home said...

Thank you Amy, I will pop over and see it there. Thank you

Amy said...

Hi Mel, your tutorial is featured on the blog today.



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